How We Can Help You

At Resonate Mind Body we see clients who have been struggling for a long time and they’ve been desperately looking for answers.

At Resonate Mind Body we see clients who have been suffering with a range of health issues such as anxiety, stress, fatigue, sleep issues, burnout, chronic immune issues, hormonal imbalances, and digestive complaints.

These clients have often been searching for a solution for anywhere between 12 months and 40 years, and have not yet found one. 

Luke had his own health struggles for many years and understands the effect this has on every aspect of your life.

That’s why he has dedicated the past 20+ years to understanding what drives these conditions, and how he can help and support his clients to achieve greater and greater levels of health.

He uses a combination of Applied Kinesiology, Neuro-Emotional Technique, counselling, food as medicine, and supplementation protocols to help his clients thrive.

Saying goodbye to your health struggles and reclaiming your vibrancy (and your life) CHANGES EVERYTHING.

As you become healthier, every aspect of your life becomes healthier. This is what continually drives us to serve you the best that we can.

Conditions we’ve had great success with over the years:

We have developed holistic protocols that combine the power of Applied Kinesiology, Neuro Emotional Technique, Counselling, using food as medicine, and supplementation programs. These protocols have helped our clients with various symptoms including:

  • Anxiety

  • Burnout

  • Concentration & Focus issues

  • Depression

  • Digestive complaints

  • Eczema/Psoriasis

  • Fatigue

  • Hypoglycaemia

  • Insomnia

  • Low Libido

  • Low Tolerance to Stress

  • Lowered Immune Function

  • Mood Swings

  • Nervousness

  • Nervous Exhaustion

  • Overwhelm

  • Pre-Menstrual Issues

  • Poor Coping Abilities

  • Poor Memory

  • Rapid Weight Gain

  • Reproductive Issues

  • Skin Rashes

  • Sleep Disturbances

  • Stress

Further information:

What to expect +

As a new client at the clinic, you will be greeted by our lovely reception staff who will orientate you as to our facilities and how the practice operates. 

You will be given a Confidential Client Questionnaire to fill out which is designed to assist Luke's understanding of your case, before he sits down with you to go through further details of your condition.

What will happen at my first appointment? +

After attaining your medical history (medications, surgeries, accidents, genetic influencers, etc.), Luke will perform a thorough examination to determine the best strategy for you to achieve the best outcomes.

We see each person as unique with an individual potential for health. As such, we assess each case individually and evaluate it to the very best of our ability. 

If deemed necessary, Luke will refer you for any other specialty tests.

Diagnosis & treatment +

Once fully assessed, Luke will discuss the outcomes of the examination and tests so that you understand what is causing your health concerns. He will then discuss with you your treatment options.

If he believes that he can assist you with your health concerns, he will lay out how to proceed. However, if he believes that he is not the best fit for you he will refer you to someone within his extensive network who he believes will be the right practitioner for you.

Other specialty tests +

In order to obtain a greater understanding of you and how well your body is functioning, and the most beneficial way of assisting your body to health and be healthy, Luke may recommend a number of diagnostic tests.

Saliva tests: Assesses for hormonal imbalances.

Urine tests: Assesses the breakdown of entities within your body, toxic elements, and the function of your kidneys and bladder.

Stool analysis: Assesses the function of your gastrointestinal tract. This is a non-invasive diagnostic tool and aids in the determination of the best method of future treatment.

Hair Mineral Analysis: Assesses mineral deficiencies, toxins (ie. heavy metals), and food chemicals.

X-rays: They assist us in our diagnosis of your presenting condition. It can be an important and integral part in understanding any physical complaint or postural distortion.