About Resonate Mind Body

At Resonate Mind Body, we believe that the body has an amazing capacity to heal and remain healthy. That it is only when there are blockages and disruptions within your neurology & physiology that ill-health occurs.

We work to identify and remove these blockages and disruptions so that your true health capacity can be at full strength. 

We provide a systematic and holistic approach focusing on your body, mind, and emotions.

We implement a combination of Applied Kinesiology, Neuro-Emotional Technique, Counselling, using food as medicine, and designing a supplementation protocol.

Ultimately, we believe that your body has the capacity to self-heal and function optimally and by working with you on these components of health we set you on the path towards greater health.

 About Luke Rossmanith

Luke has been in practice for over 19 years and has performed thousands of 1-on-1 consultations with clients suffering from a wide range of health issues. 

After attaining a Master’s degree in Chiropractic, he went on to post-graduate study in Professional Applied Kinesiology, Neuro-Emotional Technique, counselling, functional neurology, nutrition, supplementation strategies, detoxification methods, acupuncture and dry needling, & Psycho-Somatic Therapy.

Luke brings this wealth of knowledge and expertise to each and every session so that you continually move forward towards your health goals.